Monday, March 9, 2009

Ch. 8 Quote 3/9

"'I'm scared,' she whispers. 'I'm scared for Abba.' It's as if Aisha is finally saying what we're both afraid to imagine: Abba crouched in a cold dark cell. Abba sitting at some table with a ceiling lamp glaring down on his face. Are they badgering him with questions? Letting him sleep and bath and pray? Beating him with a stick until the bruises show like dark flowers?"

This is one of the first times we see Aisha really worried that something will not work out. In her perfect world, she can fix anything that will go wrong because she knows all the answers. This time it is out of her control. I think Nadira will have an easier time coping with their family's situation because she didn't fall as far as Aisha.

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