Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Ch. 6 Quote 3/3

“Strange, nasty thoughts swarm into my head. I’ve never made my sister cry before. It seems impossible Aisha is too strong, too smart for me. But this is different. It’s like having a new kind of power, black and ugly, like what Uncle did to me this morning. And the weird thing is: I like it.”

I think it is completely understandable that Nadira gets some pleasure out of humiliating her sister. Of course what she did was wrong, but Nadira puts up with all of the nasty things that Aisha spits at her. This is the first time she has fought for herself, and it makes her feel empowered, something she doesn’t experience often, if ever.

1 comment:

  1. I like that quote. Nice choice. :) I think that Nadira must feel much more powerful now that she made Aisha cry. I wonder what exactly she'll do with that power. :)
